I, DAVID, AM THE AUTHOR OF THIS MESSAGE about our presence and coexistence with Jesus Christ in the Eucharist
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I, David, am the author of this Message. The Eucharist has been my Master and I have been its disciple along all the way: now listen to what I have learned from It, and everything It has taught me. Many people are still not aware of the great gift that God is sharing them through me, but every day they will be more. Hear my message and apply it, do not leave it aside as something without use.
I do not presume of myself as if I were something or someone special; before the eyes of the world I am nothing. But I make this advice because they will come many that will try to attribute this -my Message- to themselves, trying to usurp and take away what God has entrusted to me, wanting to usurp their development and description, as if they themselves would have discovered it now, after I've lived it since 2000 onwards: they will read and take of mine and then they will present it as their own; in fact they are already doing, leaving me -its author- aside; they appropriate my ideas and then share and publish them as if they were their own (but without mentioning me, without saying from where or by means of whom they knew, hiding to the souls the source from which this came out so that they can not find it out). I know, but I still keep on and I will continue to publish, sharing for the good of souls, for this message to be known and lived: it is what I love most, and why I share it for free and put at the disposal of the people all this message of salvation. That it may be lived and shared, it is my payment; and my hope is that one day it may be known and lived in the whole Church; It is what I want, and I know that it will a reality one day. I am making it available to you and to the Church so that you can share and take advantage of it; but, when necessary, please refer to its source, and guide the souls here to read it as it is, in its authentic version, as I taught it. I am not responsible for the manipulations and misrepresentations that others might make of this message, and how they teach it to others, if they do different from what I have taught and is described here (do not trust everybody, because many could contaminate this message with things that I've never taught and, instead of clear water, they'll try to offer you polluted water). On this website, and only here, it is the true description of this Spirituality in its original version, and I am not neither I take responsibility for how others could live or share it.