This website uses cookies. What are cookies?
For this site to function properly, they are sometimes installed on user devices small data files known as cookies. Most websites do. When you access this site assume and declare to know they exist and accept that they can be installed on your computer, mobile phone or access system. A cookie is a small text file that websites install on your computer or mobile phone when you visit them. Cookies enable the website to remember user actions and preferences (login ID, language, font size and other display preferences), so that it is not neccesary to configure them when we return to the site or navigate its pages. To learn more, please, visit: www.allaboutcookies.org and http://www.youronlinechoices.eu/
Types of cookies:
- Technical cookies. They are used for purely technical needs and allow certain essential features of the website to take place.
- Cookies for customizing. They let to configure the presentation and operation of the web site based on the visitor's browser settings: language, screen resolution, etc.
- Analytic cookies. Allow to obtain statistical data, as does, for example, Google Analytics.
- Cookies for advertising or behavioral advertising. Its function is to obtain certain patterns of behavior regarding browsing habits, interests, etc., in order to customize the advertising.
- Cookies for geolocation. They provide information about the country and approximate geographical location of the visitor, anonymous, in order to customize the advertising or services offered, or for including this information in the statistical data.
- Login cookies. This type of cookies lets to identify the user, who must be previously registered in these services in order to access certain functions (personalization, interaction, etc.). When the user accesses the site for the second or successive times, he or she will have not to be identified again thanks to these cookies, unless you delete or disable them through the exit or logout command usually enabled for that; also through the privacy settings of the service in use, or the browser itself, can be limited, deleted or prevented the registration of these cookies. With respect to this website it does not use any system of own logging in, then it does not use these cookies directly; however, as it is allowed to users of different services and social networks (Google, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Tumblr, etc.) to give like or share our articles using the buttons provided for such purpose, if you make use of these buttons it could be inserted a cookie of this type into your device; to avoid it, please close previously session on it and learn from their privacy policy and settings before.
What kind of cookies are used on this site and how is it used the information collected?
The author of this blog does not use own cookies, but different companies that provide hosting services and other auxiliary ones (Google, Facebook, Adtoanny, etc.) do use them. The following table collected the most important:
1. Google & Youtube. Google operates Google AJAZ Search API, Google Analytics, Google Translate, FeedBurner, Google Custom Search Engine, Google FriendConnect, Google JSAPI Stats Collection, Google Widgets and some others services like Doubleclick. Website: www.google.com To know about their privacy policy and data collected please visit https://www.google.com/intl/en/policies/technologies/cookies and also http://www.google.com/intl/en/policies/privacy and the privacy troubleshooter: https://support.google.com/policies/troubleshooter/2990837?hl=en Privacy contact: Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States. With regards to DoubleClick, it provides ad management and ad serving solutions to companies that buy, create or sell online advertising. Website: http://www.doubleclickbygoogle.com Privacy policy: http://www.google.com/intl/en/policies/privacy Privacy contact: privacydept@doubleclick.com
2. Facebook. These social cookies allow you to interact among the contents of this blog and publications and users on Facebook. Website: www.facebook.com To know about privacy policy and data collected please visit: http://www.facebook.com/about/privacy and https://www.facebook.com/help/cookies Privacy Contact: Facebook Inc., 1601 Willow Road, Menlo Park, CA, 94025 Facebook also operates the advertisement service Atlas (www.atlassolutions.com), with the following privacy polytic: http://atlassolutions.com/privacy-policy and privacy contact: atlasprivacy@fb.com
3. Addtoany (Lockerz Share). This service is used to allow the user to comfortably share articles and publications from this website through various social platforms. Website: http://www.addtoany.com Cookies policy and information about collected data: http://www.addtoany.com/privacy Privacy contact: http://www.addtoany.com/contact/
4. New Relic. It is a software and advertisement management company. Website: http://newrelic.com Privacy policy and data collected: http://newrelic.com/privacy Privacy contact: info@newrelic.com
5. Ivoox. This service allows our website to share in audios previously published in their own. Website: www.ivoox.com Privacy policy and data collected: http://www.ivoox.com/informacion-legal_il.html Privacy contact: http://www.ivoox.com/contacto_ic.html
6. Soundcloud. This service allows our website to share in audios previously published in their own. Website: https://soundcloud.com/ Privacy policy: https://soundcloud.com/pages/privacy Cookies: https://soundcloud.com/pages/cookies Privacy contact: contact@soundcloud.com
How to control cookies: revocation and removal of cookies
You can control or delete cookies whenever you want; and also, you can set most browsers to stop accepting them. But keep in mind that if you reject cookies, you may need to manually reconfigure your preferences every time you visit a site and certain services and features will stop working. Choose your browser from the following options to configure the acceptance or rejection and the removal of cookies, and to find out how your browser manages them: Firefox - Chrome - Explorer - Edge - Safari - Opera
The author of this blog can not guarantee that cookies policy declared by the companies listed conform to reality, and that the use made of the information collected conform to the law. In this situation, he assumes no responsibility in this regard as it is out of his control to guarantee it. For any questions contact the webmaster at davideucaristia@yahoo.es
This Cookies Policy may change depending on legislative requirements, or in order to adapt the policy to the instructions issued by the Spanish Data Protection Agency, therefore users are encouraged to check it regularly.