The biblical verse Jn 6:56 makes it clear that -provided we partake of the Eucharist under the conditions prescribed by the Church, of course- I dwell in Jesus Christ and He dwells in me, "He who eats my Flesh and drinks my Blood dwells in Me and I in him." If I dwell in Jesus Christ, then, whenever you receive Jesus Christ you are also receiving me in Him and with Him, secondarily, but in an undeniable and unavoidable manner. It is impossible to receive Jesus Christ through the Eucharist and not to receive others who dwell in Him, at the same time, because it would be like trying to love God but leaving out the neighbor, which would contradict the authentic Love and Spirit of Jesus Christ. In the same way, when I receive Jesus in the Eucharist I am also receiving you. And likewise, one another, everyone to others.
That is how the unification of the whole Church in the Body of Christ is implemented, with the Eucharist being the perfect Instrument to achieve it; which Jesus Christ instituted, among other reasons, for this purpose, so that we all may be one with Him and that, by means of Him, we may be one among ourselves (exactly this is what Jesus said and requested on Jn 17:21 24).
This is the Perfect Love with which Jesus Christ wants all Christians to love one another. Jesus wants that we share to others the same love that He shares to us in the Eucharist - His Eucharistic Love that we receive, live and experience during Holy Communion -. It is this and NO OTHER the genuine and authentic Love of Jesus Christ, with which we must love one another. That is to say, by loving and receiving one another in the Eucharist and giving others the same Love that Jesus Christ gives us there to us. Jesus meant to this with the word "as" when He said, "Love one another as I have loved you" (Jn 13:34).
Now that you know this you should start putting it into practice. With the following video I will show you how to do it, how to integrate it in your practical Eucharistic faith.
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If you agree, please give like to this page and support the petition to the Pope to approve this Dogma of our coexistence with Jesus Christ in the Eucharist.
To learn more about our presence and coexistence in the Eucharist please visit this blog.
Thanks for reading. You can search the complete index of English articles or also choose from one of the following readings that I personally recommend to you:
- We ask the Pope and Bishops to approve as Dogma of Faith the Eucharistic Coexistence of the Blessed Virgin and souls in sanctifying grace
- I, David, am the author about our presence and coexistence with Jesus Christ in the Eucharist
- Quick and easy demonstration that we dwell with Jesus Christ in the Eucharist, supernaturally and as preparation for our future life with Him in Heaven
- We are also with Jesus Christ within each Consecrated Host of the Eucharist
- Quick and simple demonstration of that, by receiving Jesus Christ in the Eucharist, we are also receiving one to another in the Eucharist by means of Him
- Learning to live Catholic Eucharist and Holy Communion in all its fullness
- The Eucharist transforms us into one Body and Blood, Soul, Humanity and Divinity forever with God
© Copyright, all rights reserved by "David Eucharist", davideucaristia@yahoo.es, www.davideucaristia.com, 2012-16.