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We ask the Pope and Bishops to approve as Dogma of the Catholic Faith the Eucharistic Coexistence of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and of all the souls in sanctifying grace state, with Jesus Christ in the Eucharist
Today November 22, 2015, Solemnity of Jesus Christ the King, we started to collect supports with respect a request that has already been sent to the Pope Francis in writing. This proposal and request of definition of dogma, addressed to the Holy Father and to all the Bishops of the Catholic Church, proposes to the Church the explicit recognition of that, in the Eucharist, by the will of Jesus Christ (implicitly expressed in the Gospels), and in accordance with the Magisterium of the Church itself, are also present or participate (each one in proportion to the degree of purification and grace reached) all souls in sanctifying grace throughout the Universal Church of every age: all the souls of Heaven, Purgatory and Earth, occupying a very first and very special place the Blessed Virgin Mary.
An immediate consequence of the declaration of this Dogma will be that the Eucharist will become the Bridge of unity and universal communion of all souls with Jesus Christ, and of everyone with others by means of Jesus Christ. This way, it will be accomplished with absolute perfection, the will of Jesus expressed in Jn 17:21-24, that we all may inhabit and become one with Him wherever He is (in the Eucharist as in Heaven and in Heaven as in the Eucharist). That is so how the Eucharistic Kingdom of Jesus Christ will take place on earth:by all of us receiving and joining Jesus Christ in the Eucharist and, at the same time, eucharistically receiving and joining everyone to each other by means of Him.
The Universal Church must migrate towards the Eucharist, to dwell with Him where He is (cf Jn 12:26;14:3;17:24). Every soul has a right to occupy and live already in the Eucharistic Dwelling that Jesus Christ has reserved for each one (cf Jn 14:2-3). The Church should promote this Divine Knowledge and put it into practice, teaching everyone to receive the Eucharist and to not leave outside the neighbor, but to share with others the same Eucharistic Love that Jesus shares with us in that divine moment (intimately, in silent prayer, each one in his place, without interfering in the least the respectful and sacred course of the Mass), for that is the true and authentic Love that Jesus Christ wanted to teach us by instituting the Eucharist.
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Thanks for reading. You can search the complete index of English articles or also choose from one of the following readings that I personally recommend to you:
Today November 22, 2015, Solemnity of Jesus Christ the King, we started to collect supports with respect a request that has already been sent to the Pope Francis in writing. This proposal and request of definition of dogma, addressed to the Holy Father and to all the Bishops of the Catholic Church, proposes to the Church the explicit recognition of that, in the Eucharist, by the will of Jesus Christ (implicitly expressed in the Gospels), and in accordance with the Magisterium of the Church itself, are also present or participate (each one in proportion to the degree of purification and grace reached) all souls in sanctifying grace throughout the Universal Church of every age: all the souls of Heaven, Purgatory and Earth, occupying a very first and very special place the Blessed Virgin Mary.
An immediate consequence of the declaration of this Dogma will be that the Eucharist will become the Bridge of unity and universal communion of all souls with Jesus Christ, and of everyone with others by means of Jesus Christ. This way, it will be accomplished with absolute perfection, the will of Jesus expressed in Jn 17:21-24, that we all may inhabit and become one with Him wherever He is (in the Eucharist as in Heaven and in Heaven as in the Eucharist). That is so how the Eucharistic Kingdom of Jesus Christ will take place on earth:by all of us receiving and joining Jesus Christ in the Eucharist and, at the same time, eucharistically receiving and joining everyone to each other by means of Him.
The Universal Church must migrate towards the Eucharist, to dwell with Him where He is (cf Jn 12:26;14:3;17:24). Every soul has a right to occupy and live already in the Eucharistic Dwelling that Jesus Christ has reserved for each one (cf Jn 14:2-3). The Church should promote this Divine Knowledge and put it into practice, teaching everyone to receive the Eucharist and to not leave outside the neighbor, but to share with others the same Eucharistic Love that Jesus shares with us in that divine moment (intimately, in silent prayer, each one in his place, without interfering in the least the respectful and sacred course of the Mass), for that is the true and authentic Love that Jesus Christ wanted to teach us by instituting the Eucharist.
If you support this initiative, please give 'Like' here.
Thanks for reading. You can search the complete index of English articles or also choose from one of the following readings that I personally recommend to you:
- We ask the Pope and Bishops to approve as Dogma of Faith the Eucharistic Coexistence of the Blessed Virgin and souls in sanctifying grace
- I, David, am the author about our presence and coexistence with Jesus Christ in the Eucharist
- Quick and easy demonstration that we dwell with Jesus Christ in the Eucharist, supernaturally and as preparation for our future life with Him in Heaven
- We are also with Jesus Christ within each Consecrated Host of the Eucharist
- Learning to live Catholic Eucharist and Holy Communion in all its fullness
- The Eucharist transforms us into one Body and Blood, Soul, Humanity and Divinity forever with God
Thanks for reading. You can search the complete index of English articles or also choose from one of the following readings that I personally recommend to you:
- We ask the Pope and Bishops to approve as Dogma of Faith the Eucharistic Coexistence of the Blessed Virgin and souls in sanctifying grace
- I, David, am the author about our presence and coexistence with Jesus Christ in the Eucharist
- Quick and easy demonstration that we dwell with Jesus Christ in the Eucharist, supernaturally and as preparation for our future life with Him in Heaven
- We are also with Jesus Christ within each Consecrated Host of the Eucharist
- Quick and simple demonstration of that, by receiving Jesus Christ in the Eucharist, we are also receiving one to another in the Eucharist by means of Him
- Learning to live Catholic Eucharist and Holy Communion in all its fullness
- The Eucharist transforms us into one Body and Blood, Soul, Humanity and Divinity forever with God
© Copyright, all rights reserved by "David Eucharist", davideucaristia@yahoo.es, www.davideucaristia.com, 2012-16.