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You the young people, whose heart still moves heated by Love, whose heart has not been petrified with the rigidity and intransigence of their pride, whose soul has not been frozen nor icy because of the coldness of their own selfishness, nor has been corrupted for the wickedness of envy. You, whose heart still lives! and is free and beats in unison with Truth: you will know the Divine Love, that flows like a River of Living Waters from the Hidden Grotto within the Eucharist.
Go there to take it, and fill your hearts with it. Because the time for the preaching of this Love is coming. And the world will know again the novelty of Eucharistic and Divine Love of Jesus, He who saved the world long ago, that continues saving it and that will save it again; although many of us have so poorly accustomed ourselves to Him, so much that we are not aware of the gift we have received. And you, young people, are and will be the protagonists, because your souls desinterested, yet not tied to money and status, to the own prestige and personal benefit; in your generous and free altruism, you will be chosen by God for preaching. No matter how weak, incapable or unworthy that you may feel, because God chooses the weak to manifest thereby the Strength that only comes from Him.
Rejoice, and leave it all behind to follow Jesus, and Jesus will leave everything for you; to serve, to love, and to help you; and He will love you with a love that no one have ever received nor even from the most perfect mother. Perhaps you could lose some friends, but in return you will meet an Eternal One. All that the world can give to you will be nothing compared to what Jesus can give to you, because if the world can fill your lives with deciduous things by out, Jesus will fill them inside with Eternal Soul Treasures that no one can take away from you, and that will shine like Jewels of eternal light in Eternity. This is how Jesus rewards His friends, by sharing with them His greatest Treasures.
You young people are the fittest to live and preach the Divine Love. Because your souls have not yet been completely polluted with the love of money, to appearances and by self-interest and profit. But you still believe in Love, you love Liberty, you live and practice generosity, and have not yet lost faith and enthusiasm for life.Stay away from the sterile worldly Christianity of appearances, from the hidden wickedness of individualistic and competitive “Christianity”, from the superficiality and deceit of effortless and sentimental Christianity, as well as of being contaminated by the somber and sometimes moribund Christianity - I say it with pain -, that is breathed in some environments. Seek the purity and vigor of faith, even if it means you can feel like a kind of lonely prophets, forgotten by all, in the wilderness of your lives. Do not seek the approval of others, but only the approval that comes from God; live the love of God and love everyone in and from Holy Eucharist and Holy Communion, go and drink from the sources of Life and you will find the meaning of your lives. And the meaning of your lives, is this Divine Love: live it, share it, until we are all One in the Eucharist, as Jesus asked in Jn 17:21-24. Then, we will not be like grains of sand on the beach, fragile, vulnerable, at the mercy of the whims of the waves and wind, but we will be completely united in the Eucharist with Him, and we will become a Solid Rock, invincible and eternal, of love and unity, able to cope with the winds and tides, the sun and the tides, the world and time, and nothing and no one will conquer us, because the firmly Rock that is Jesus will be in us as God is with his People. He in us and we with Him, as one Rock of eternal Love.
This union, of everyone with each other and of all with Him, is done in Holy Communion, by receiving to each other through the Holy Eucharist at Communion, to thus all of us may become completely one with Him: one Eucharistic Host, one Body and Blood; one Soul, Mind and Spirit; one Love, Humanity and Divinity with Him, forever and ever, and for all Eternity. Amen. It is the Eucharist, the Bridge to Eternal Life.
“Let anyone who thirsts come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as scripture says: 'Rivers of living water will flow from within him.'"» (Jn 7:37-38)This is the love that overcame the world, and that will overcome it again because "I have overcome the world" (Jn 16:33). So that:
• Against individualism, built and vivify the Church.
• Against selfishness, accept in your lives the saving and generous sacrifice of the Cross.
• Against materialism, live in poverty and detachment, and hold yourselves to the things of God.
• Against consumerism, feel blessed for what God has given to you at no cost and that no amount of gold in the world is able to pay.
• Against loneliness, take refuge in the intimate friendship of God in his heart.
• Against the coldness and indifference, come closer to the Warmth of Jesus' Heart.
• Against pride, learn the humility and lowliness of Jesus in the Sacred Host.
• Against the evil of the world, direct your eyes to the Goodness Gaze of God.
• Against the exile of this life, seek the Promised Land and the New Eden that open for us in every Communion for we to enter in Him and abide in Him in every Eucharist.
This is the Victory of Jesus that He shares with us through faith. He who wishes to be free, can live it with Him.
Thanks for reading. You can search the complete index of English articles or also choose from one of the following readings that I personally recommend to you:
- We ask the Pope and Bishops to approve as Dogma of Faith the Eucharistic Coexistence of the Blessed Virgin and souls in sanctifying grace
- I, David, am the author about our presence and coexistence with Jesus Christ in the Eucharist
- Quick and easy demonstration that we dwell with Jesus Christ in the Eucharist, supernaturally and as preparation for our future life with Him in Heaven
- We are also with Jesus Christ within each Consecrated Host of the Eucharist
- Quick and simple demonstration of that, by receiving Jesus Christ in the Eucharist, we are also receiving one to another in the Eucharist by means of Him
- Learning to live Catholic Eucharist and Holy Communion in all its fullness
- The Eucharist transforms us into one Body and Blood, Soul, Humanity and Divinity forever with God
© Copyright, all rights reserved by "David Eucharist", davideucaristia@yahoo.es, www.davideucaristia.com, 2012-16.