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Advice. This text is an excerpt of another somewhat longer and titled "Learn to live Holy Communion: how to live the Communion of Saints through the Eucharist" whose entire reading I especially recommend.
One thing is what we are to ourselves, for others and for the world; and quite another is what we are before God and for God. Only God knows us really and He alone can reveal to us our true personality, that for which we were born, our mission for which we came to this world. And to find it out we have to go to Him and ask Him, and wait with great patience, until the day in which Jesus Christ decides to reveal it to us, for God's timing is not ours time.
When we take Communion we receive Jesus Christ, but in Him also come all the things that live in God, and among them, comes the answer about what we really are, something that He alone knows and none more knows, our true selves in Him. This is how through Jesus Christ we also receive ourselves, as He sees us, the image of us that He keeps within His Heart, as when our image is reflected in a mirror.
To receive ourselves in Him means to receive what we are for Him from his own Hands in the Eucharist, what we have to be and are called to be in Him. It consists about saying to Jesus, "Jesus Christ, You and only You know what I truly am, the one that I am called to be with You in Heaven, the one You created to Your own image and likeness, let me receive my true self in You, my true image, the one I really am, or I have to be, and that You and only You know and can reveal it to me. I renounce to the world and to all that I am not, to all what the world or others or myself want for me to be, but You do not want. Guide me to be who You want for me to be, as You had conceived me one day before I was born. Amen”.
That's what means to receive ourselves in Communion, it consists in a transfiguration of us in what He wants to disclose for us. And what we are called to be is exactly Him! He is our true self, our true personality is Him, to be like Him, to be transfigured in Him. Something that only through Eucharistic Communion can be done, for then to be Him who lives in us.
One thing is what we are to ourselves, for others and for the world; and quite another is what we are before God and for God. Only God knows us really and He alone can reveal to us our true personality, that for which we were born, our mission for which we came to this world. And to find it out we have to go to Him and ask Him, and wait with great patience, until the day in which Jesus Christ decides to reveal it to us, for God's timing is not ours time.
To receive ourselves in Him means to receive what we are for Him from his own Hands in the Eucharist, what we have to be and are called to be in Him. It consists about saying to Jesus, "Jesus Christ, You and only You know what I truly am, the one that I am called to be with You in Heaven, the one You created to Your own image and likeness, let me receive my true self in You, my true image, the one I really am, or I have to be, and that You and only You know and can reveal it to me. I renounce to the world and to all that I am not, to all what the world or others or myself want for me to be, but You do not want. Guide me to be who You want for me to be, as You had conceived me one day before I was born. Amen”.
That's what means to receive ourselves in Communion, it consists in a transfiguration of us in what He wants to disclose for us. And what we are called to be is exactly Him! He is our true self, our true personality is Him, to be like Him, to be transfigured in Him. Something that only through Eucharistic Communion can be done, for then to be Him who lives in us.
Thanks for reading. You can search the complete index of English articles or also choose from one of the following readings that I personally recommend to you:
- We ask the Pope and Bishops to approve as Dogma of Faith the Eucharistic Coexistence of the Blessed Virgin and souls in sanctifying grace
- I, David, am the author about our presence and coexistence with Jesus Christ in the Eucharist
- Quick and easy demonstration that we dwell with Jesus Christ in the Eucharist, supernaturally and as preparation for our future life with Him in Heaven
- We are also with Jesus Christ within each Consecrated Host of the Eucharist
- Quick and simple demonstration of that, by receiving Jesus Christ in the Eucharist, we are also receiving one to another in the Eucharist by means of Him
- Learning to live Catholic Eucharist and Holy Communion in all its fullness
- The Eucharist transforms us into one Body and Blood, Soul, Humanity and Divinity forever with God
© Copyright, all rights reserved by "David Eucharist", davideucaristia@yahoo.es, www.davideucaristia.com, 2012-16.