DAVID EUCHARIST: The Eucharist is a Mother who gestates Her children in Her Womb

The Eucharist is a Mother who gestates Her children in Her Womb


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The Eucharist is a Mother who gestates her children in her Womb. Through Her, God Himself takes within Him to His incipient children, Christians developing, to perfect and to mature them, feed and strengthen them, until they become ready for Birth to New Life in the Spirit, here and now on Earth and then forever in Heaven. Souls that are born there, that live and develop there, they have been reborn, previously dying to the world, and being reborn to the New Life that is Jesus Eucharist, having been transfigured like Him, into another Living Eucharists. We are also within the Eucharist, we live in His Bosom by the Holy Spirit, in advance and as preparation for our eternal union with God in Heaven. Check it in Jn 6:56,12:26,14:3, 17:24. Jesus wants to be, and He really is, our Eucharistic Mother, within which He shelters us, saves and feeds us.

"Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how many times I yearned to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her young under her wings, but you were unwilling!" ( Mt 23,37 ).

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